Tuesday, 17 March 2009

View from the pointy end

I spent much of my early big boat sailing on the bow. It was a logical place for me to be because I was young, relatively light, fit and had loads of dinghy experience. I had loads of fun at that end, bouncing around in choppy seas, climbing the mast, sighting the start line. And, of course, doing the most important job for a few minutes at the beginning and end of every downwind leg.

Later on I moved back to trim the sails, a job I prefer, but I still miss doing foredeck. Here is some fitness advice for aspiring Bowmen, taken from today's Scuttlebutt.

The Bowman is responsible for making sure sail changes go smoothly, jibing the spinnaker pole, organizing and running the front end of the boat. The training will be structured as if we are training to be a gymnast or rock climber. Flexibility, lightning speed, agility, balance and strength will be needed to be effective while under pressure, anticipating the next move. Apart from a strong cardiovascular program, we can work on various exercises that can help.

A few of my favorites are:

* Squat thrust/Shoulder press: It’s a great exercise that challenges the heart rate, incorporates many different exercises all in one (synergistic) and will challenge the best athletes. This exercise can be intensified by first pre-exhausting the arms and legs.
* Rows: These can be done one arm or two. Adding a Bosu ball or Stability ball will assist in working the core (Throw in Pullups, as many as possible).
* Circuit Training: This is a fantastic way to train. Basically you move from exercise to exercise every 30 seconds. The workout takes about 30 minutes and can be done with the crew or alone. Intensity will be increased or decreased depending upon routine chosen.
* Plyometrics: This helps with explosive power and speed.
* Agility ladders, cones, exer-band harness: Speed, balance and agility training.

Read on: http://na.northsails.com/tabid/12808/Default.aspx

Wednesday, 11 March 2009


Despite my lack of posts last autumn, I participated in nearly all of the Winter Series. It's been nearly four months since I was on the water and it has been a long winter (although I was helped through it by Sam the Sailor). This weekend marks the start of the Spring Series, and I can't wait.

I will be sailing on the good ship Cajou once again. We ended up 6th overall in the Winter Series but were so close to coming third until the last day. We are hoping to do better than that this year. The entry list looks impressive for this weekend and no doubt the Solent will be crowded with boats of all sizes. Hopefully there will be some TP52s out at some point during the series, such as the one shown in this picture.

As they say in Blightey: watch this space.